Featured Product:
Gold scrub
Body scrub" with anti-oxidant gold extract known for its moisturizing and skin-nourishing properties.
It works to get rid of all dead skin cells and open them to contain v.b3, moisturize the skin and leave the skin a blessing.
مقشر الجسم بخلاصه الدهب المقاوم للاكسده ومعروف بخصائصه المرطبه والمغديه للجلد
يعمل علي التخلص من جميع خلايا الجلد الميته وتفتحها لاحتوائها علي v.b3 
وترطيب الجلد ويترك البشره ناعمه 
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Nargis 🥀

Nargis Products is a brand of high-quality cosmetics 100% natural. Client: Nargis products Year: 2022 Creative Direction: Kawaliny Studio Photogr Read More
