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Canada Geese and Goslings during the Summer Days

The goslings were curious about the bright day. It had been only a few days since they were born, and now they were exploring the open world away from the nest. As they began looking through the ground for insects to eat on, they could not help but notice huge, towering figures looking at them with the most peculiar expressions. They got close enough to seem like a predator, but they always came to a halt and never left the hard, white substance. Sometimes they would even have little versions of themselves, which the goslings assumed that was their versions of goslings. That wasn't even the creepiest part. The giants would pull out tiny rectangles from their down and hold them briefly. Sometimes, there would be a small flash!  Normally such behavior would be an alarm for mommy and daddy, since they were very, very, protective of their young, but even they seemed relaxed around these creatures. The goslings know that these creatures mean no harm, and continue grazing on the grass for the insects, relaxed. 
Canada Geese and Goslings during the Summer Days

Canada Geese and Goslings during the Summer Days
