Alicia Font-Lobocka's profile


How Can Audio Media be Used as an Effective Learning Object?
For this project, the designer had to upload an audio recording and transcript, analyze AND supply actual recordings of both good and bad examples of how they would use audio as a learning object in a learning environment of their choice. The goal was to show how audio can be used effectively. However, they had to study out and record both good and bad examples in order to understand how it could be used effectively. The designer had to explain why they made their choice, provide a strong rationale that was supported by two or more learning theories discussed in Dr. Deason’s audio lecture as well as two or more peer-reviewed sources in EBSCOhost/Google Scholar , and the audio recording could not be more than three minutes long.

Target Audience: Instructional Designers who want to effectively use audio media when creating instructional lessons.

How Can Video Be Used as an Effective Learning Object?

For this project, the designer had to upload a video recording and transcript, and analyze and supply actual footage of both good and bad examples of how they would use video as a learning object in a learning environment of their choice. The goal was to show how video can be used effectively. However, they had to study out and illustrate both good and bad examples in order to understand how it can be used effectively. The designer had to explain why they made their choice, provide a strong rationale that was supported by two or more principles discussed in Dr. Wyly’s video lecture as well as two or more peer-reviewed sources in EBSCOhost/Google Scholar, and the video recording could be no more than three minutes long.

Target Audience: Instructional Designers who want to effectively use video when creating instructional lessons.
How Can Interactive Media be Used as an Effective Learning Object?
For this project, the designer had to upload a video recording and transcript and analyze and supply actual footage of both good and bad examples of how they would use interactive media as a learning object in a learning environment of their choice. The goal was to show how interactive media can be used effectively. However, they had to study out both good and bad examples in order to understand how it can be used effectively. As part the video, they had to show examples of the interactive media about which they were discussing. The designer had to explain why they made their choice, provide a strong rationale that was supported by two or more principles discussed in Dr. Siegel’s video lecture as well as two or more peer-reviewed sources in EBSCOhost/Google Scholar, and the video recording could not be more than three minutes long.

Target Audience: Instructional Designers who want to effectively use interactive media when creating instructional lessons.
Create a Design Proposal Video for the Osceola County Welcome Center and History Museum
The Osceola County Welcome Center and History Museum here in Florida has several wonderful static displays. Unfortunately, most of these displays have only a placard or poster full of print, telling about each exhibit. As an instructional designer, you now have the opportunity to study the accompanying photographs, and develop a design proposal video, based on those photographs. You will decide how you would weave together a multi-modality, multi-platform delivery for the exhibits in the museum. Keep in mind that the museum needs learner-centered displays that employ the use of the multimodal modes unique to digital media: audio, video, and interactivity.

In order to make a strong recommendation to the museum’s stakeholders, the designer had to show that they know how to create engaging, instructional opportunities for their patrons, by effectively applying the concepts and principles of multi-modality, multi-platform delivery, and personalization in the design proposal video that they developed.

Target Audience: Museum Director and museum visitors




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