Zhenya Balabanova's profile

IKEA Leadership Program (First Wave)

IKEA has a year long IKEA Leadership Program for interns. It helps the rapid growing shop network to acquire more new well-prepared managers. And it allows the managers to prove their ability to work in such a big company.

1. The word "internship" has generally negative connotations in Russia. It assumes working without being paid, making the most difficult and unpleasant work with no solid prospects to be hired. Generally  intern could be simply told to not be good enough for desired position at the end of the internship term.
2. Most of the people imagine an IKEA store as a store per SE, where only sellers, section managers, book keepers and cashiers work.
1. The task was to explain to potential applicants what the IKEA internship program is stipendiary, the intern would work on the same terms as a full-time employee (full legal formalization, medical insurance, paid vacations).

2. To tell the applicants what IKEA has multiple internal sections — logistics, restaurant business, Communication & Interior Design, HR and so on and so forth.

The AD should be designed to appeal to 2 target audiences: "young leaders" — young people (18-24) with higher education without working experience, and "directors" — managers (25-35) with experience. The ultimate goal was to collect 6000 resumes and narrow them to a short list of 300 applicants.
Сoverage — the whole Russia
is the PROSTORE digital project — an interactive web site there current IKEA employees tell potential applicants all the essential information resulting with an application form.
(10.10 - 7.11.2012)
We decided to split the whole First Wave Campaign into two parts — teaser and pleaser.
Teasers are the channels leading to the program's web site: posters in universities, business cards and flyers offline, internet-banners, announcing articles on recruiting sites (hh.ru. job.ru, etc.) online and social networks activities: post sharing and advertising
We didn't mention any details about the Program, we used iconic IKEA products instead: IKEA pencil, bench, mirror and so on according to idiomatic lines.
Pleaser is the Program's web site where the user sees and hears all the necessary information navigating and turning the site in any comfortable position.
A3 posters (universities)
Know what are you sharp in at IKEA Leadership Program
Know how to rise at IKEA Leadership Program
(left to right):
Know how everything will turn out at IKEA Leadership Program
Learn to open up at IKEA Leadership Program
Know how to gain new heights at IKEA Leadership Program
Know how to grow outside the frame at IKEA Leadership Program
How do you see your future know at IKEA Leadership Program
Know how to grow faster at IKEA Leadership Program
Interactive internet-banners
We also filmed a short film with a POV of potential intern Pavel Goncharov spending a day at IKEA "backstage" and witnessing people working at the store.
Within 4 weeks more that 200 000 users visited the campaign website, with almost 8 000 visits per day.
We managed to collect over 5 000 job applications what is 2.5% from all website visitors.
Also 20% of those who opened the application form — have finished it and applied for The Leadership program. What is a good result for non-commercial activity. 
Creative Directors: Roman Firainer, Yaroslav Orlov, Nikolay Fabrika
Art director: Zhenya Balabanova
Copywriter: Dmitry Moiseev
Digital Produser: Luybov Berezina
Digital Account Manager: Ekaterina Krasina
Junior Produser: Ekaterina Fenkina

Digital production: FREEGER
Production: Reflex
Thank you for watching.
Have a nice day!
IKEA Leadership Program (First Wave)

IKEA Leadership Program (First Wave)

HR IKEA campaign
