Tamara Haynes, M.S.Ed.'s profile

Field Technician Classroom Training

Field Technician Classroom Training

Project Goals: To provide supporting materials for field service training on current release of PACS solution in an instructor-led classroom experience. 
Responsibilities: Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation, Assessment
Target Audience: Technical Implementation Specialist/ Field Engineers
Tools Used: MS PowerPoint, MS Word, MS SharePoint 360, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator
Project Type: Instructor-Led Classroom, Facilitator Guide, Participant Guide, PowerPoint Presentations, Program Evaluation, Summative and Formative Assessments, Mock Installation Lab
Project Source: GE Healthcare and Graduate School Practicum

The Process
What I did: The stars aligned for me when I was working on my Master's degree and also working full-time as an ID with GE Healthcare. A rapid project fell into my plate and I was able to design and develop for an in-person classroom training program that helped level-up the field engineer installation process for the PACS system. The program ran for about 5 months. I was present for about 3 sessions over a 7 week period with each session lasting for 5 days. Learner's were provided with external monitors, participant guides, and SharePoint access to easily access materials needed before, during, and after the class.

I was responsible for several pieces of this project, but the most unique experience was being able to get real feedback from the learners as I sat in on the classroom. I worked with the SME to create all of the presentation materials. I also incorporated formative assessments within the course materials to gather Level 2 feedback on the sections of the class in real-time.

For this project, the main process that I used was the iterative design process. The iterative design process is used when one needs to develop at a rapid pace. The process is a cycle of design, development and implementation. After the implementation, feedback is gathered and applied to the next iteration of the design. The nature of the CPACS ACE program training was very fast-paced. There was a need to use a process that allowed a more fluid way to deliver materials.
Field Technician Classroom Training

Field Technician Classroom Training
