Valued Item Reimagined / Packaging DeSign
Born from an appreciation for a pill bottle to keep medication together, Good Mood was created as a holistic brand to bring your mind, body, and spirt into align. At Good Mood, we are big advocates of medication and pushing ourselves to activate our medication by doing a number of things alongside it. We are heavily researched in helping consumers balance their brain, give their body what it needs, and improving their overall mood.

At Good Mood, we care about the mind, body, and spirit. Every thing we do flows from the thought that if one of part of you is out of whack, then all of you is out of whack. We understand that your ___ (insert mind, body, spirit) doesn’t feel right then you don’t feel right and we want to help you understand more about how we can align these. We desire to bring a group of individuals that might feel isolated because of a diagnosis together as a community to build each other up and support one another.
Good Mood is a blister pack with activation items of activities that those with depression could do to not only change their brain chemistry with their medication but physically do an activity that might decrease their anxious and depressive episode.
Within the package is an infographic that includes specific activation items and the research behind how those can help balance the brain, give the body what it needs, and affect the mood of a person.

Those with depression and anxiety often feel lonely and wish they could communicate to their friends and family how they are feeling, and sometimes wish their friends would just know without communication, Good Mood smartphone app bridges that gap. 
Knowing about your mind, body, and spirit helps you make educated decisions about how to improve your mood. As a holistic brand, we operate from the idea that all of you matters, not just your cerebral chemical imbalance.
Good Mood

Good Mood
