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Get the Best Teeth Whitening in Bethlehem, PA

 Get the Best Teeth Whitening in Bethlehem, PA
Teeth Whitening
If you are looking for high quality teeth whitening Bethlehem PA, Lasting Smiles offers exceptional services and tips to give you the brightest, most beautiful smile. 

Are you not happy with the stains and discoloration on the enamel on your teeth? 

Teeth whitening is an easy and affordable way to make a smile improvement without 
much time or effort. One thing to keep in mind when considering teeth whitening is it is much more effective from our office than drug store whitening kits, which are rarely effective. 

Why you shouldn’t purchase over the counter whitening treatments:

It is very easy to find drug store whitening strips and paint-on-gels. However, after using them, do you ever wonder why your teeth continue to look the same? Those expensive kits produce marginal results at best because they are mass produced, and do not cater to the individual needs and characteristics of one's teeth. That's because they only contain a low-percentage of whitening ingredients as determined by law. 

You may actually be damaging your teeth by using drug store whitening treatment. That is because those products forget to mention that the same ingredients that claim to remove stains and discoloration, are actually removing enamel from your teeth as well. This will cause teeth to be sensitive and can cause pain and discomfort when eating, drinking, or even brushing. It is much safer and effective to use Lasting Smiles’ professional at-home kit, versus a drug store kit. 

Lasting Smiles will provide you with a teeth whitening Bethlehem PA kit that includes a high-grade, self-bleaching gel that penetrates enamel for deep stain removal. You will also be given custom teeth whitening trays and instructions on how to apply the gel, how long to wear each tray, and how often to perform a treatment. 

Feel free to visit the before and after photos on our Smile Gallery to help you see the amazing results other patients have achieved with our professional whitening system. Call 610.861.0777 today for an appointment.
Get the Best Teeth Whitening in Bethlehem, PA

Get the Best Teeth Whitening in Bethlehem, PA


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