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Lasting Smiles for Emergency Dentistry in Willow Grove

Call Lasting Smiles for Emergency Dentistry in Willow Grove, PA
You never know when you can get into an emergency dental situation. Perhaps you are playing a game of fetch with your family in the backyard and you chip a tooth. Or you're playing in a sports competition and knock out a tooth. You will need to see a dentist as soon as possible to get that fixed. 

If you are looking for an emergency dentist in Willow Grove, PA, visit us at Lasting Smiles. You will not need to worry about finding an appointment because we offer same-day emergency dental services. 

The most common reasons for emergency dental visits include: 

Missing teeth: One of the main reasons why a lost tooth is considered an emergency situation, is because in order to replace the tooth, the patient must be seen within an hour or two of the incident. If not, other measures might need to be taken, including preparations for a fake tooth. Here is a link to our website for more information on missing teeth. Dental Implants in Willow Grove PA | Lasting Smiles of Willow Grove.

Chipped tooth: When a chipped tooth occurs, you are eligible for an emergency dental visit. Chipped teeth are not attractive, and can be quite painful. In such cases, you will want to be seen as soon as possible. Chipped teeth are easy to fix with boding, a crown, or veneers. 

Broken tooth: Broken teeth are considered more serious dental injuries than any other, because of the severe pain and discomfort. Just as with any other emergency, you will want to be seen as soon as possible, not only to fix the tooth, but to relieve the pain. There are other causes for a broken tooth, the most common being cracks in your teeth/tooth that were unseen or unfixed. 

Lost filling: Lost fillings are also considered eligible for emergency dental visits. At Lasting Smiles, we offer white fillings that are safer and more attractive than the typical silver fillings. If you lose a filling and wait to see a dentist, further damage may occur. Here is more information on our white fillings. 

Getting something stuck: Believe it or not, getting something stuck in your tooth also makes you eligible for an emergency dental visit. If flossing doesn’t work and you are struggling to get something out of your teeth, you will want to visit a dentist as soon as possible. It is common that it will start to cause pain and discomfort. 

Having an emergency dentist is important for your family in case of a need for immediate dental care. At Lasting Smiles of Willow Grove, PA, we will see patients of all ages for any dental injury or emergency. 

Do not hesitate to call (215) 999- 6091, and we will assist you right away. It is crucial to get immediate assistance to prevent additional damage to your teeth.

Lasting Smiles for Emergency Dentistry in Willow Grove

Lasting Smiles for Emergency Dentistry in Willow Grove


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