450 Icons - Level up your next design project rendition image
450 Icons - Level up your next design project rendition image
450 Icons - Level up your next design project rendition image
450 Icons - Level up your next design project rendition image
450 Icons - Level up your next design project rendition image

450 Icons - Level up your next design project

Presenting a meticulously designed collection of 450 icons on a 24x24 pixel artboard with a sleek 1.5px stroke. Perfect for diverse applications like SaaS, mobile, and data analytics, these icons cover : Graphs Actions Files and Folders Alerts Arrows Align Tools Analytics Content Editing Date and Time Conversations Filters and Sorting Formulas (Math) Figures General Icons Navigation Machine Learning Mouse Cursors Merge Transfor...
Filetype: ZIP
Size: <0.1 MB
License: Personal License