Khmer Typogrpahy: សួស្ដីឆ្នាំថ្មី - happy new year 

GIE the movie (2005)

StillPhoto   : Timur Angin

The newest film from Mira Lesmana, she was a indonesian movie director and producer.
Soe Hok Gie, a student activist and adventurer who lived in the 1960s.
The film Gie is based on Catatan Seorang Demonstran (Diary of a Demonstrator).
Hok Gie started keeping a journal when he was 14 years old and kept oneup until his death, one day before his 27th birthday, on Mount Semeruin East Java.

Hok Gie's diary has become favorite reading material for many student activists,
who consider it a textbook for young people who want to become social or political activists.
The book consists of Hok Gie's notes and comments on various issues,including friendship, politics, nature, literature and social issues.

This Project is developed under The Bangsad affiliation
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The Bangsad logotype (2005)
Khmer Typogrpahy: គំនិតច្នៃប្រឌិត - creativity
Khmer Typogrpahy: ប្រយ័ត្នខ្ញុំសុីផុយ - Beware of Me






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