Surface designs and patterns

Bird of Paradise
Inspired by the bird of paradise flower native to South Africa, these patterns were created by abstracting on the plant’s unique form. The result was a module, which has become the foundation for numerous intricate geometric expressions, based on the principles of Arabesque

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Selected in Graphic Design 3 [zeixs]
Selected in Graphic Design 3 [zeixs]
Selected in Graphic Design 3 [zeixs] |  Classic Patterns [Sendpoints]
Selected in Classic Patterns [Sendpoints]
Peacock Paradise
Adapted from the original product of nature’s own design workshop, this pattern is a playfully complex representation of the peacock and other bird-like figures in a vibrant environment.
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Selected in Classic Patterns [Sendpoints]
Selected in Classic Patterns [Sendpoints]

surface designs

surface designs

A collection of surface and pattern designs
