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Zoo-logical Collection Art Work

Zoo-logical Collection Artwork
Spain. 2014
Artwork  -  Illustration  -  Collection


EN  -  The purpose of the artwork  Zoo-Logical Collection is materializing, with architectural fundamentals and establishing basic geometric parameters, a set of animals in 9 illustrations. The shape and color are decontextualized in order to show the geometrical beauty and the mathematical graphics existing in the nature.
ES  -  El objetivo de la colección de ilustraciones Zoo-Logical es materializar, con fundamentos arquitectónicos y parámetros geométricos básicos, una serie de animales en 9 ilustraciones. Se dexcontezualizan la forma y el color para mostrar la belleza geométrica y la matemática gráfica existente en la naturaleza.

Zoo-logical Collection Art Work

Zoo-logical Collection Art Work

The purpose of the artwork Zoo-Logical Collection is materializing, with architectural fundamentals and establishing basic geometric parameters, Read More
