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What do you know about Bushmills?

Promo campaign and site for Bushmills whiskey.
Introduce the brand into the digital environment.
Increase the awareness of potential customers.
It was like that: we were sitting and racking our brains on what to create when Sid Vicious appeared and came up with the concept: «Guys! Why don’t you produce a really stylish Bushmills bottle with, let’s say, hidden spots? One finds a spot, clicks on it and gets an interesting fact about Bushmills whiskey. The one who finds all the secret spots wins the bottle. Real bottle».
Obviously, we were grateful: «Thank you, Sid! It’s a great idea! By the way, you certainly don’t need any fees since you died 31 years ago?»
Results for 2 months without any adv support:
70k+ unique users
500k+ pageviews
9+ min average time on site
Contest participants precisely recognize Bushmills bottle on the shelf.
Even with their eyes closed.
3D modeling, photo shouting, illustrations, flash, video compositing. 
What do you know about Bushmills?

What do you know about Bushmills?

What do you know about Bushmills? Bushmills is not a mystery anymore! Promo campaign and site.
