Chaiti Patel's profile

Web Design & Development

Designed and coded a responsive HTML Email Design for kalā meaning art using HTML5, CSS3 and mediaqueries.
Created graphic elements for an evite with an RSVP link for guests to confirm their attendance. Used Typeform as a medium for RSVP. The elements are hand-drawn and finished on Adobe Creative Suite 6.
Design and build for an organic delivery meal service called Omnifood. Took up a course on Udemy by Jonas Schmedtmann and created a user-friendly responsive website using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and PHP for webform. The site allows users to register for the meal of their choice based on their daily diet. Incorporated Google Analytics. The site is coded by hand using Brackets.
Designed and coded a responsive HTML Email Design for Omnifood using HTML5, CSS3 and mediaqueries.
A 30-minute side project for sharing your thoughts using bootstrap3, iQuery, HTML5 and CSS3. Coded in Brackets.
Created a template based website using Mobirise - a website builder. It was one of my first attempt in getting into the web development career. The website has minimal design with soft transitions, full-screen background image, and using PHP for creating webform integrated with Mobirise form. The hosting is done on Amazon S3 and have self learnt to integrate the hosting on the AWS portal. Keeping it responsive and user-friendly, it was indeed a great start to get into UI/UX as a career.
Web Design & Development