Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - adv graphic design - Project two.
Relaciòn de texto y superficie.
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - adv graphic design - Project one.
Relaciòn de texto y superficie. (ironía)
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Digital Image making 
Trabajo de texturas
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to digital Arts I - CD PROJECT
Portada para un artista a elección
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts I - CD project
Contraportada para un artista a elección.
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts I - CD project
Cd por dentro
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts I - CD project
Utilizacion de mezcla de capas y pinceles similando acuarela
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts I - CD project
Afiche para concierto de artista a elección
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Adv Graphic Design-  Final project.
ilustraciones libres.

Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Adv Graphic Design-  Final project.
ilustraciones libres.

Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Adv Graphic Design-  Final project.
ilustraciones libres.

Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Adv Graphic Design-  Final project.
ilustraciones libres.
Diseñado en universidad de viña del mar - técnicas de impresión - primer certamen 
Exploraciòn de materiales y texturas.
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts.
Encargo: Utilización de papel con intención de que pareciera digital 
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts.
Encargo: Utilización de papel con intención de que pareciera digital 
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts.
Encargo: Juego de recorte y scanner
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts.
Encargo: Juego de recorte y scanner
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts.
Encargo: Juego de recorte y scanner
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design - Intro to Digital Arts.
Superficie y uso de papel (digital)
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Digital image Making
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Digital image Making
Collage, fotocomposición

Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Digital image Making
Collage, fotocomposición

Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Digital image Making
Collage, fotocomposición
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Digital image Making
Trabajo de scanner y edición digital
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Digital image Making
Trabajo de scanner y edición digital
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Digital image Making
Estampado para polera - tema selknam
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Digital image Making
Trato de una tipografía
Designed at the santa fe university of art and design -Adv. Graphic Design
Diseño de Carcasas
Diseñado en la Universidad de Viña del Mar - taller IV - Packaging
Rediseñar una marca ya existente y asociarlo a un estilo.
Diseñar una historia sin palabras


design no matter what
