Creating and maintaining relations with existing as well as potential employees hinge on VELUX’ ability to present a story, idea or concept which theindividual can relate to and want to play a part in.

When we make it easy for the recipient of our communication to identify with the brand, we create a desire to get more information and an urge to find out how s/he can be part of the story.

There is a lot of exciting competitive companies that fish in the same talent pool as VELUX. Most of them
have centred their communication on the central question, “what do you want to be?”. We believe that by also focusing on “who do you want to be?” VELUX stands a much better chance of engaging employees in a mutually beneficial dialogue. Just like the fact tat you cannot really talk about U-values and windows without talking about heating and insulation, we believe you also need to deploy a holistic strategy in order to hook the modern, valuedriven employees.


Just as making promises means nothing if you cannot keep them, there is no commercial advantage in doing the right thing, if you do not tell it t Read More
