Using the 12 words listed, design a 16 page (plus 4 page cover) booklet which explores creative
and visually expressive opportunities to communicate the message of the words. The words and their message or meaning must be evident to the reader. 
The restrictions:
- Use only Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Bold
- No distortion of type ie., expansion or condensing of letter widths
- Black only – no grey tones or colours
- No rules, bars, ornaments or other devices
- No Page numbers / folios on the 12 word pages
- White paper only – no coloured or toned stocks for the 16 page texts. 
- Size and format – approx. optical square = finished (trimmed) size 140 mm wide by 135 mm high (280 x 135 mm as a spread) 


A book that explores and illustrates the meaning of the word.
