Marcus Byrne's profile

Free font created with light

Working Font & 3D Letter created using iPhone & Canon EOS 5D in darkness.
Created a unique working free font & 3D object by light painting the air. Captured the light trails generated by the app icons on the iPhone. All the characters are shot in the dark with between 3.2 and 4 second exposures. I took my favourite character, the upper-case ‘Z’ and had it 3D printed. You can download the free font at the end of the page.
Lucas Cochran covered the project on his TV show, Daily Planet, on the Discovery Channel, Canada.
Full font suite
Phone Streak font is designed for headlines and large copy in general.
Close ups of random characters showing the detail in the iPhone icons.
'Phone Streak' font has a playful and sporty feel. It's interesting to see the harsh and violent
tone coming out with scary copy and caps on images of a dark nature.
Wooooo! Project featured on wired
3D Printed 'Z' in bright Green Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) - like Lego material.
Printed by 3DPE in Melbourne. Check them out here
Free font created with light


Free font created with light

Combining my love of Typography and my fascination with 3D Printing. An experimental project to turn hand waving gestures into a 3D object. It st Read More
