The people of MaeWest Company asked me to make a graphic artwork to their communications agency established in Madrid, whose mission is inspired by the provocative attitude of the famous actress of the '30s, which gets its name both as sui claim: 'You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.' ("Solo se vive una vez pero si lo haces bien, una vez puede ser suficiente" translated into Spanish).
I took the opportunity to pay tribute to legend, trying to reinterpret its essence to bring her to present day, but always keeping an eye on the past.

Model: Martha García
Make Up: Yael MakeUp
Studio: DosOcho Plató
Print 70x100cm.
Photoshooting Highlights
Making Off

Tribute to Mae West

Tribute to Mae West

Graphic artwork for Mae West Company, paying tribute to the famous actress of the '30s, which gets its name. Photo: Domingo Abad Model: Martha Ga Read More
