Timeless Furniture Brochure - I designed this brochure cover to cover including layout, all 6 logos, and the line drawings.  The 16-page brochure is displayed above in spreads, and focuses on the company's chair designs. I created this for a college independent study project where I studied 20th century design.  Each of the 5 furniture lines are named after an important artist of the time period that the furniture resembles...
Louis (Comfort Tiffany) - Art Nouveau
Pablo (Picasso) - Cubism
Eileen (Gray) - Art Deco
Roy (Lichtenstein) - Pop Art
Victor (Vasarely) - Optical Art
Timeless Furniture

Timeless Furniture

Timeless Furniture Brochure - I designed this brochure cover to cover including layout, all 6 logos, and the line drawings. The 16-page brochure Read More
