Laurel Natale's profile

TimeCaster Web App

TimeCaster is a two part web app that is part fortune teller, part astrology forecaster.
NOTE: USE keywords "love", "money" or "happy" for demo! 
Example: "will I be happy?"
When entering site, the user is presented with a question beckoning them to ask a question about the future. For this demo, the keywords "love", "money", or "happy" must be used in question.
When the user types in the question and hits the enter key or the tell me button, the color scheme changes, letting the user know something has happened, and an answer appears that pertains to their question. The question box is no longer visible and there is a new button, prompting user to ask another question.
In addition to a fortune, the user also gets an "AstroCast" for today and tomorrow. The AstroCasts were written based off of Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs and covers the needs of every human being - comfort, safety, love, esteem, inner peace, etc.. this part uses Yahoo's weather API to pull in the weather, and then based on the current and next day weather conditions, supplies an astrocast. I first used geolocation for this, but as it's a demo, I decided to go with Orlando, Fl since it's home to the happiest place on earth.
Oh yea, and the site is responsive. :)
TimeCaster Web App

TimeCaster Web App

An online web app fortune teller game.


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