Pablo Sotomayor's profile

The Tree Grows (beat, chord, melody) / 2005

The Tree Grows
The proposal of this work was to mix traditional, film-based photography with digital elements. The pictures that served as basis to the later digital manipulations were taken with a Nikon FM3 and revealed traditionally. Trying to add a more organic look into the computer manipulation I scanned the prints with very old Canon CX scanner with fungus on the glass. By doing this I achieved the veiny and somewhat greener tone into the scans. The rest is just common photoshop manipulation.
The Tree Grows (beat, chord, melody) / 2005

The Tree Grows (beat, chord, melody) / 2005

The proposal of this work was to mix traditional, film-based photography with digital elements. Nikon FM3 prints scanned with old, fungi-filled, Read More
