Story visualization
Storyboarding, Digital Painting

Art Center College of Design
Class: Storyboarding1 Design and Seq 
Instructor: Jason Cook
It was fun project. I picked 4 words from a bag. The words were SNOW, CANVAS, SHADOW, and FEAR.
And I made a short story with these 4 words. 
Snow for environment, canvas is a texture, shadow is the main character, and fear is mood.
Peterpan's Shadow was living in the Wonderland. The fantasy island was always sunny and warm. 
The Shadow liked to play on the beach.
One day, snow falls. The shadow realizes that something is going wrong, because the Wonderland has to be sunny.
The Shadow comes back to his house, but there is no Peter. 
The Shadow goes out to find Peter.
The Shadow finds Hook's pirate ship, but it is sinking. 
The snow is getting heavier.
The Shadow is going through a jungle. 
The Shadow is torn by thorns and branches.
The Shadow finds a crocodile.
The Shadow sees the crocodile is chewing something and the Shadow thinks that the predetor knows something. 
So, The Shadow follows the crocodile.
Tha Shadow hides in the crocodile's shadow.
The crocodile spits something. That is a hook.
The Shadow is stained with blood. His color is not black anymore. So he escapes from the crocodile.
The sun sets. Snow is getting heavier. The Wonderland is getting colder. 
Finaly, the Shadow finds Peter. He is flying.
The Shadow is so happy. it waves it's hand and says Peter's name.
The Shadow puts it's feet on Peter's feet as usual. 
Now Peter's shadow is with Peter as usual. But Peter is not moving. Not anymore.
The Shadow

The Shadow

storyboarding/illustration for a short story about Peterpan's shadow.
