Spollo Kitchen is a soon-to-be-released 400 pages book, a visual journey of flavours and recipes revealing the world of food through a different viewpoint. Each designer was asked to submit their favourite recipe and a visual interpretation of it.
My favourite recipe is the Minestrone (a thick vegetable soup) and I thought of a place called "Minestrone", an exclusive night club that accepts ONLY vegatables. Sorry Bananas! :D

And here's the recipe, sorry but it's in italian (from my grandmother's cookbook).
Use Google Translate if you'd like to give it a try.
carota, 2
piselli, 200gr
cipolla, 1
broccoli, 150gr
patate, 2
ravanelli, 5
olio, quanto basta
sale, quanto basta
pepe, macinato a piacere

Soffriggere dolcemente la cipolla tritata nell'olio. Unire le patate, le carote, i broccoli, i ravanelli (tutte precedentemente lavate e tagliate in cubetti o listarelle) e i piselli e fate rosolare il tutto per insaporire la ricetta. Coprite quindi con acqua fredda, portate a bollore e aggiustate di sale. Coprite il minestrone e lasciatelo sobbollire fino a quando le verdure saranno cotte (ci vorranno circa 50 minuti). Completate con un giro di olio extravergine di oliva a crudo, aggiungendo del pepe macinato, se lo gradite. Servite il vostro minestrone di verdura caldo o tiepido.
Spollo Kitchen


Spollo Kitchen

Spollo Kitchen is a soon-to-be-released 400 pages book, a visual journey of flavours and recipes revealing the world of food through a different Read More
