I’ve created my first-ever drawing demo video on YouTube, based on a prompt from the Pose Drawing Sparkbook. The prompt reads, “Vending machine took their money”. In the video I talk a bit fast at first but hopefully some will find it helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySOCLvMO-Js
Character sketch for my upcoming webinar "Bringing Your Drawings To Life". Order here: 
Setting can affect a character's pose. More in my upcoming webinar, "Bringing Your Drawings To Life". Order athttp://www.cedricstudio.com/sparkbook
Add contrast to your sketches to make them more entertaining (size, personality, status, etc.). More info in my upcoming webinar, "Bringing Your Drawings To Life". Order here: http://www.cedricstudio.com/sparkbook
Thought I'd take a whirl at @sketch_dailies on Twitter. Today's theme: Prince
"Beaver Dam" - a sketch on actual paper!
Working on adding a sense of story to my practice sketches. Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!
Possibly the most absurd and random thing I have ever drawn: #horsemask for @sketch_dailies on Twitter.
Sketchbook exercise using Stephen Silver's Character Design Shuffle app. My random assignment was "Vulture, Female, Pharmacist, Pogo Jumping".
My take on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Here's a demo sketch video I did to go along with it: 
We recently bought a new house with a bigger, better studio. I did this sketch for my moving announcement.
Inktober Day 2: I did this sketch using a drawing prompt from the free list of #Inktober sketchbook ideas that I posted on my website: bit.ly/1opCNkM
Inktober Day 22: "I may be old..."
Insomnia: Catching some Z's.
Sketchbook 2014

Sketchbook 2014

My 2014 gallery of sketches, doodles, and other non-client work.
