Sip Restaurant
Soup restaurant in London
This unique restaurant is located in a corporate building in London.
The project involved branding, bespoke furniture designs, interior architectural designs with a fresh atmosphere.
I came up with the concept as a soup bowl. The Logo, the furnitures and fixtures and the installations in the ground floor and Lower ground floor was all inspired by the idea of sipping soup from a bowl.
The logo which is the stain from soup on the base of the bowl is just right for the corporate location.
The chairs are designed to look like a china bowl chamfered to form a chair. The giant bowls at the lower ground floor and the covers at the ground floor creates an all togetherness. This makes the customers feel like they are part of the ingredients for the soup.
Restaurant entrance - Ground Floor Level
Ground floor visuals
Lower Ground Floor Level
Visualisation showing both floor levels - the soup bowls and covers
Exterior visuals showing the chefs at work
Landing on the Lower Ground level - and entrance to restrooms
Section through both floors
Sip Restaurant