"Sensate" is a durational dance performance where the audience is allowed to follow their whims and move to where they are compelled. They are free to come and go within two performance spaces anytime between three designated hours, experiencing the dance from anywhere they choose in each space. 

The dancers construct tense psychological zones as they attempt to find an exit. Rhythm is a compulsion and a cure, pushing to devour the ferocity of the mind. In Sensate, the private spaces become public as individual experiences are absorbed by others in the room. Its is choreographed by Carrie Ahern. 

“SeNSATE” lasts three hours, and during that time audience members are free to come and go. (It takes place on two floors, accessible by a staircase.) But just as it’s impossible to watch the action from a single vantage point, it’s equally difficult to feel sated by the work’s fleeting, random bits.

Carrie Ahem Dance

Art Director: Shravan Hegde 
Copywriter: Logan Leabo 
Photography: Marcus Ranum (


Wildpostings for Carrie Ahern Dance's innovative performance installation - 'SeNSATE.
