Hey Y'all. I've finished designing my very own room in 3D. Here is the Final Result. 

Pre-production were done by myself in my head without wasting any trees (paper).

Production were done by using 3DS Max and Maxon Cinema 4D. I modeled the amp, guitar, acoustic foam, aircond, microphones, mixer, headphones, PC, iMac and others in 3DS Max and then transfered the mesh to Cinema 4D where I textured them, others such as speakers, chair and tables was a pre-made model inside c4d.

Composition, Textured and Light Setup were done in Cinema 4D, without having any additional plugins. This is all Global Illumination (GI) in action.
Post-Production were done in Photoshop. 
-Color Correction
-Lens Effect
-Depth of Field
Room Modelling

Room Modelling

Hey Y'all. I've finished designing my very own room in 3D. Here is the Final Result.
