Peaches & Cream
Created to use as a part of my work for my final AS Art Exam which explored the theme, "Thoughts & Ideas".
It captures the many various abstract thoughts an artist might have before creating a work of art.

What Lurks Behind
An extreme and unrealistic example of surroundings which contain dangers most people are oblivious when listening to music.
The idea which inspired this piece had been the Think adverts shown on British television a few months ago:

"Research has found that teenagers are easily distracted on the roads,especially when they're in small groups of friends. THINK! works toencourage teenage pedestrians to be more aware of traffic and to avoid distracting influences when crossing the road."

Strawberry Ice Cream Cake
Created for college to use in projects in which we were assigned to create or modify a food product complete with a label and packaging.
Created as a "I have faith in her" piece during the time Ms. Spears was in the constant spotlight of the media along with Miss Hilton for some unruly acts. Although she has made mistakes like everyone, they are constantly spotlighted by journalists and her name is dragged through the dirt for it. Consequently she is hated/despised by many for being a bad rolemodel.
Pop Art

Pop Art

