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Penguin Book Jacket - The Big Sleep

This was a Penguin book jacket competition brief. The book given was 'The Big Sleep' by Raymond Chandler. The story follows a 1920s detective on a big murder case with themes of seduction, drugs and mystery.

Digital Book Jacket - Using the theme of seduction I came to use a pair of smoking lips which I wrapped around the spine to entice someone to pick it up.
Photographic Book Jacket - This one was based on the complexity of the the plot using the idea of mazes and windows opening to new clues. Also using green to link in with penguins crime collection.
Limited Edition Book Jacket - Screen printed to a style similar to the previous one but with simplistic screen printed cutouts to appear like inked clues/footprints.
Penguin Book Jacket - The Big Sleep

Penguin Book Jacket - The Big Sleep

This was a Penguin book jacket competition brief. The book given was 'The Big Sleep' by Raymond Chandler. The story follows a 1920s detective on Read More
