Oil Paintings
By Scott Youdale
My paintings are a commentary on the isolation of the mind and the various qualities that distinguish us from each other and the sad truth that no one can ever truly know you. All paintings use archival and high quality pigments and mediums on gallery style canvases and wood panels
Venus: an image of an astronaut on the surface of Venus. 
Oil on Canvas, 2.5 x 3.5 feet
Caleb three: a portrait of an attractive young man.
Oil on Canvas, 4 x 4 feet
Caleb two: a portrait of an attractive young man.
Oil on Canvas, 1.5 x 2 feet
Pink Light: a portrait of a young man entering a club at night.
Oil on Canvas, 4 x 2 feet
Crucifixion of a Scarecrow: A landscape of indecision.
Oil on Canvas 2.5 x 3 feet
View from within a cave: a painting of personal isolation.
Oil on Canvas, 3.5 x 4 feet
Stairwell in an odd place: a road to isolation.
Oil on Canvas, 3 x 3.5 feet
Trapped: a look at indecision as a driving force.
Oil on Canvas, 2 x 4 feet
Oil Paintings