KAIDAN is the term used for the Japanese ghoststories, and, extensively, for theJ-Horror culture. The Buddhist moralizing stories were rapidlytransformed into international shockers; people wanted more frighteningmonstrosities and oddness, with no direct connection with the Westernhorror.Manga, anime, movies and the subcultures developed around them competedin shicks and panic. If you really want to know why on the Japanesehorror movies is written 18+, take a look at the next issue of OtakuMagazine. Nevertheless, is our duty to warn you that all who lookedinside certain pages of this issue have disappeared shortly after.Still, it might be just a story to send the children to sleep for good.
Cover by Aya Kato - www.ayakato.net.
Cover by Aya Kato - www.ayakato.net.
AYA KATO (JP) in Otaku Kaidan.
YAN WEI (China) in Otaku Kaidan.
SADDO & HELIANA (RO) in Otaku Kaidan
SADDO & HELIANA (RO) in Otaku Kaidan
AKIRA (RO) in Otaku Kaidan
ASRA (RO) in Otaku Kaidan
Interview: Vasile Alboiu (black moon), special guest to the events FREAKA 1 and 2.
Interview: Interview with Ryosuke Tei, creative director of Furi Furi
Article: Japanese Ghosts
Article: Kaidan: Traditional Japanese Ghost Tales and Japanese Horror (sarudama.com)
Kaidan Film - Classics (sarudama.com)
Kaidan Manga.
Kaidan Stories
Article: Lolita - Extraordinary Street Fashion
Article: Lolita - Extraordinary Street Fashion
Article: Review - Toyz
NAE (RO) in Otaku Kaidan
Kaidan SOUNDS: ghOst (UK), Ghost (USA), Ghost of a Flea (CA), Ghost Band (USA), Ghostfog (DE) Jigoku Nohara (BE), Kaidan Eiga (IT), ManiFest (DE), Smm (RO), Likantropika (AD), Makunouchi Bento (RO).

01.  Jigoku Nohara - Otakutrakk (3:12)
02.  Likantropika - (The Other Side #5/6) �" Muncaster Ghost on 1956 (3:17)
03.  ghOst - Amatsu-Kaidan (6:00)
04.  ghOst - Jitenshi-Kaze (5:44)
05.  Ghost of a Flea - The Unspeakable (3:34)
06.  Ghostband - (Unknown Album #) - The Winter Spirit (6:12)
07.  Makunouchi Bento - Cenusa farmaciei 8 (4:54)
08.  Selfmademusic - Space Creaute no. 01 (3:55)
09.  ManiFest - The Incest Family - (orginal short version) (4:09)
10.  ManiFest - (scheZOID.com #) - The Waiting - Room (4:15)
11.  Kaida Eiga - Stop at 11 (4:44)
12.  Ghost - City of Evil (3:30)
13.  Ghostfog - (The Asylum Theory #04) - Hangman's Winterdream (3:30)
Table of Contents :

Exhibition: Xenia Stan (RO), Vladimir Taroi (RO) // Interview: Vasile Alboiu (RO) // Article: Kaidan: Traditional Japanese Ghost Tales and Japanese Horror Film. Scott David Foutz (USA) // Kaidan Manga: Kazuo Umezu (JP), Hideshi Hino (JP), Junji Ito (JP) // Kaidan Anime // Kaidan Film: www.sarudama.com (USA) // Kaidan Games: LEVEL (RO) //  Aya Kato@115: www.115.ro (RO) // Illustrations: Heliana (RO), Saddo (RO), Aya Kato (JP), Yoskay Yamamoto (JP), Dermot Reddan (USA), The Horror (UK), Yan Wei (CN), More Than a Friend (CAN), Veronica Solomon (RO), Dave MacDowell (USA), Nikiforov Anton (RU), Arisu (PT), Nish (JP), Mihai Marcu (RO), Sam Gilbey (UK) // Toys: Review Custom Toyz. Vera, Ruxi, Alexandra (RO) // Interview:  Liste Noire (RO) // Article: Lolita - Extraordinary Street Fashion, Kyshah Hell(USA), fotos: Marianne Williams (USA) // Article:  Hayo Miyazaki (part II). Veronica Solomon (RO) // Interview:  Interview with Ryosuke Tei, creative director of Furi Furi (JP) // Return by Inkamon (RO) // Masca by Nicolae Drob (RO) // What have you done to tentoumushi? by Akira, Mimi (RO) // Cain and Abel by Asra, Ruxi (RO) // Article: Japanese Ghosts. Tim Screech (UK)

