Rocío Moreno's profileLACHIQUILLA® Design Studio's profile


Industrial Design
Conceptual Product Design
Currently the company does not have the necessary time to perform all these actions we would like. Moreover, the lack of time leads us to eliminate from our life areas such as rest, tranquility, relaxation ... because of work, studies or any type of priority. 
Many times we are not aware that avoiding time off to take what we get is that there is a tension overload in our bodies, emotions soar and we have no freedom to live as we wish. Therefore we consider it important to find an alternative to fighting off sleep and discomfort, improving our quality of life, as the daily practice of relaxation provides us with many benefits such as higher resting level, thus we achieve a more rest, increasing the level of energy and vitality, more resistance against diseases, improving our health, a level higher recovery efforts, improving capacity for learning and memorizing facts. 
Relaxation is a state of consciousness and in many cases, is defined as a state in which the body's muscles are completely at rest, however, depressed people in the resting state is usually accompanied by a conscious experience of happiness . Relaxation is much more, is a state of consciousness that seeks to voluntarily and freely in order to receive the highest levels that a human can achieve calm, peace, happiness ... 
Choose the ideal basis for our dream should never be a matter of chance since it involves the improvement of our intellectual and physical performance, increasing our quality of life. 
Fortunately over time and experience has shown that a nap of 20 to 30 minutes after eating it makes you more productive, diligent and healthy. The prophet of "power nap" (as it is called the famous "Iberian yoga" by Camilo Jose Cela in America) is a doctor, James Maas, who has more than five years advising American companies on the benefits of the pause "Mediterranean . 
The trend was started in 1995, Gould Evans Goodman Associates, on one condition: those who take a nap out of work half an hour later. At Yarde Metals, the metal workers suffered also won the right to nap after a referendum unique: half of the staff recognized that the torpor of the afternoon seriously interfered in their work. The result was immediate: industrial accidents dropped sharply as a result of sleep in the sun. 
Dr. James Maas prescribes the siesta as free medicine and without side effects against the silent epidemic that affects half the population in modern societies: the lack of sleep. According to Maas, the industrial revolution and now the technology-have stolen the dream more than two hours per day per head in the last century. "Man is an animal-phase and in Ecuador the day suffers a fall in levels of alert and vital signs. The only way to combat it is with a dream, preferably short and slight, but enough to offset our deficit hours of rest. " 
Given all the advantages of the rest, we can consider the time required in which the body takes up all their energy to be more productive and efficient. Looking to the new times we realize that soon will require the provision of a place designed for resting on businesses, offices and any workplace, all with the aim of promoting a more efficient in their daily work . 
Using the proposed BREAK CORE is not only rewarding naps take place but the objective is increased by combining all the features for our body, the human body, rest as he did at first, away from tension, stress , the daily problems ... being only the body and the person in an environment conditioned for this in which stimulants have nice sounds to our senses, a slight movement reminiscent of the natural movement than we were on our mother when we were still in her uterus ... a period where we get the total rest for a long trance of nine months, where we gather all the energy to leave the outside world, to cope with life. 
What follows is proposing an innovative means to regain that initial state, ie, to recover all possible energy to cope with life as best as possible, with an optimistic attitude, full of vitality and joy. Progress that this nucleus is REST is mostly the time difference, since it will require nine months to recover all that energy, nor does 9 hours of sleep per day, the conditions of this kernel allow the relationship between time and energy building the two aspects as possible, according to today's society and we can expect in the future. 
Everyone has the same time within the day, 24 hours, what makes us different is what everyone does with that time. If we close by looking anxiously into the future, we'll probably forget to live the present that is the only time that exists, we must give that time the importance it deserves.


IED Madrid rewards talent and that’s why they invited all the people to participate in the scholarship contest for academic years 2006– 2009. In Read More
