/ video, 2' 15'' /
In such circumstances, where infrastructure for art production and market is virtually nonexistent in Serbia, artists face major challenges in their work and attempting to maintain their art practice. Even though this is a universal issue, it is particularly significant when referring to young artists. Large number of them pre-qualifies in the first couple of years, and the most persistent ones do various jobs only to be able to devote themselves, in their free time, to what they were trained and meant to do.
‘From nine to five’ video is a depiction of Sandra Stojanović’s production process in an improvised studio at her parents’ house, from 9pm until 5am. Much like many of her colleagues, the only time she finds for undisrupted artwork is during nighttime. Deliberate play with traditional working hours aims at drawing a parallel with what is generally conceived as legitimate working process, i.e. point at disconnection of the artistic effort, which consequently makes it invisible and, inevitably, further marginalized.
By gradually filling the image, the artist, in her process, makes certain products, which materialize as drawings and other artwork. In the video itself, versatile and mildly aestheticized dynamics of the creative process is conflicted with conditions in which it takes place. A sort of ambiguity towards the end, depicting only workspace and produced artwork, is a radically honest statement on multiple levels, one of crucial being – this is where the whole thing ends.
U situaciji u kojoj je infrastrukura za produkciju i umetničko tržište gotovo nepostojeća u Srbiji, umetnici se suočavaju sa ogromnim preprekama u stvaralaštvu i održanju sopstvene umetničke prakse. Iako univerzalan problem, on je naročito izražen kod mladih umetnika. Veliki broj se prekvalifikuje u prvih par godina, a najuporniji rade najrazličitije poslove kako bi mogli u slobodno vreme da se bave onim za šta su školovani i dugi niz godina pripremani da rade.
Video od ‘Od devet do pet’ je prikaz procesa produkcije radova Sandre Stojanović u improvizovanom studiju u stanu njenih roditelja u periodu od 21h do 5h. Kao i mnoge kolege, jedino vreme za neometan umetnički rad nalazi u toku noći. Poigravanje sa tradicionalnim radnim vremenom ima za cilj uspostavljanje paralele sa opšte prihvaćenim radnim procesom, tj. izopštenost umetničkog napora, koja za posledicu ima njegovu nevidljivost i, neminovno, dalju marginalizaciju.
Postepeno punivši kadar, umetnica u svom procesu daje i izvesne produkte, koji se materijalizuju u vidu crteža i drugih radova. U samom videu, raznovrsnost i blago estetizovana dinamika kreativnog procesa u tenziji je sa uslovima u kojima se ona realizuje. Neka vrsta nedorečenosti u završnom kadru kojim se prikazuje radni prostor sa produkovanim radovima,  radikalno je iskren stejtment na nekoliko nivoa, od kojih je onaj osnovni – ovde se cela stvar završava.


Due to lack of infrastructure for art production and market, artists, and in particular, the young ones, in Serbia find themselves marginalized. Read More


Creative Fields