Software process that creates abstracts frames for my design “Birth and evolution” following simple rules which I describe later.
Given that Birth and Evolution has square proportions (is a vinyl of 60x60cm) I wanted to create a frame for it. The process I have followed derived into a situation where I found interesting creating a new design by itself. I called it Nebuloid.
The creation process consisted of long hours of sketching to create the rules that should dictate the algorithm. Finally, I created a randomized collections of vertices in a circular shape and used 2D curve interpolation to fill the lines from vertex to vertex with circles. The sizes of the circles were controlled by Perlin noise in order to reduce randomness and give a more consistent result.
I finally retouched the result in Photoshop using the always very interesting “vivid light” blending mode.
The output is resolution independent resulting in great flexibility.
Made with Processing and Photoshop.
Full view 1 - variation of the frame 44 // 60 x 60 vinyl
Full view 2 - variation of the frame 62 // 60 x 60 vinyl
Detail of the full view 1
Detail of the full view 2
Extreme close up 1 - Note the circles of the frame
Extreme close up 2 - Note the outer glow
Extreme close up 3 - Circles integrated along with "Birth and Evolution:


Software process that creates abstracts frames for my design “Birth and evolution” following simple rules
