David Ogunyemi's profile

Magazine Re-design

Magazine Re-design
Windows: The Official Magazine
My task for this assignment was to re-design an existing magazine, so i chose to re-design the Official Windows magazine because i felt that the target audience was not being directly or correctly addressed and with a bit of work i would be able to attract a fresher audience.

When i first picked up the magazine the first thing i noticed was the woman on the front cover, i then noticed the title afterwards which made me think that they were probably a bit too over reliant on the logotype to attract the intended audience. Although i believe they were trying to potray user-friendly with the front cover i also thought they were trying to imply that women needed more techanical help when it came to computers, (only my interpretation, i'm sure this is not the case) which is why i thought those specific factors needed adressing.
Before the re-design i initially thought the audience was a more conservatice one (with an age of at least 30+), upon reading some articles and sections this only further supported what i originally thought, so my aim was to change the tone of voice in order to appeal to a younger, fresher audience prefrably young adults (20+).

We were required to design:
- Front Cover x3
- Contents Page
- News Section
- Short Feature
- Long Feature
 This was the original cover
How it looked once the printed sheets, were cropped and then mounted onto a blackboard ready for submission.
Magazine Re-design

Magazine Re-design

Graphic design - Layout assignment
