Designing logos and choosing snappy brand names means a great challange for me each time - as these are a very important part of the design process. Creating communication tools which truely describe the product and delivers its message is the icing on the top for me!
1. Pais Panni - my own logo / 2. Sólyom Brigitta - manual therapist / 3.Currus - winery / 4.TrustMe - experimental furniture / 5. LightMe - Lighting / 6.Time Out - outdoor furniture / 7.Geiko - Lighting / 8. Fortune Cookie - recycled jewelery / 9. Zip! - storage cases / 10. Gulyás - food related Hungarian souvenirs / 11. Spoons, Aice! - a blog about a spoon collection / 12. Buda-Duna-Pest - souvenirs for Budapest


Designing logos and choosing snappy brand names means a great challange for me each time as these are a very important part of the design process Read More
