
Graduation Project @ FAKD,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

I created this game as a part of my diploma. It is called"LiquidLab" and it helps you to transform your character into a drink.In Germany we have lots of expressions which we often use when we aretalking about moods and personality. So ... are you "closed"? or is it"sparkling" to be around you? You can play the game on your own, orfriends can play it and describe and transform your identity.Questions, the term and some examples are printed on beer coasters.After separating the cards into yes and no you can choose theingredients for your drink and mix it! Even though you can reflect yourbeverage and the way your friends would drink you.

The work contains of following parts:
> game (105 cards/beer coaster in packaging)
> magazine (48 pages)
> poster (6)



LiquidLab - game conception and design LiquidMag - magazine for promoting the game Poster - game promotion
