The Lentement project is a project about living life more slowly and collecting meaningful moments. At the pace that many of us move, it's hard to sit back, relax, and reflect upon the small moments in life. The Lentement Project, meaning slowly in French, aims to remind people to do just that. 

Integrated through my blog, Pinegate Road, the Lentement project used the hashtag #lentement throughout various social media where people could join in a communal effort to appreciate the little things in their life. I included a small print that people could print out at their convenience and place in their homes as a reminder to take things slow. 

With the target audience being female bloggers aged 20-35, a giveaway was created through the blog. I gave away four shadowboxes for the winners to use and incorporate in their own lives, as well as one grand-prize slow-down kit. The kit aimed to take the project to a new level and really let one lucky winner experience the project in a tangible way. Items such as postcards, a handmade journal, vintage-wrapped sugar cubes, and glitter stickers were used to give the winner items to slow down with. Tangible material with various textures and natural quality was used so that the winner could experience the package in a distinct way, beyond what you would traditionally think of as packaging. The kit aimed to be something special and memorable, like a gift. Each winner was asked to add something personal that would remind them to slow down in the shadowbox. 

Since the project began, I have received tweets, pins, and instagrams from people around the world who are taking the time to live life more slowly. It's been incredible to see the responses from viewers on the blog, as well as through the various social media. The message of the project is something that so many people need remedying about, and I was so enthralled to be able to provide the kick-start that so many people seemed to need to incorporate more meaningful moments in their own lives. 

Check out the project at for continued updates. 


The Lentement project is a project about living life more slowly and collecting meaningful moments. At the pace that many of us move, it's hard t Read More
