Diego L. Rodríguez's profile

Latest Artworks / 2013

Digital Art
 · 2 0 1 3  /  e n d s ·
The year is ending…and to be fair with 2013, it has been at least a very interesting year. Kind of weird if you ask me, but very creative at the same time. I've been jumping from project to project on very different levels: I experimented more than ever, but also did a lot of the same style of client work more than ever.  
At the end of the day, all I can say is that I love to dedicate a big part of my life to my work, and I have a lot of fun with it even if it is not the "dream" client or project (what is the "dream" project anyways, right?). I put a lot of energy on every artwork, and sometimes I feel lost when I'm working, time doesn't seem to be a big obstacle when you're so focused on something. That's all I can say…and I'm very confident on telling you this: I wouldn't change this year for anything.
Thanks for your big support here in Behance and social networks.
Have a wonderful new year's eve!
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Suave Frgmnts
Kidmyn cover artwork
Mark Luva - Moan Lights
Clip! - Tripple Nipple
Blandiblú - H3do Crew
Ely Nash - The Underclass Project
Jimmy Skoog - Wild Things
P Magnum - V / VII · Based on a true story
Latest Artworks / 2013


Latest Artworks / 2013

Collection of the latest artwork created in 2013
