Email Campaign: This is my first official email creation in Constant Contact. Created & sent out around 01/24/14
Event Email Campaign: I edited this email to make it look more interesting and also added a photo of building where the event would be held. I used the image editor in Constant Contact to crop some of the photo.
NOT MY DESIGN: This is the BEFORE: I was asked to redesign this old brochure.
The inside page: this brochure was somewhat confusing to maneuver because the page was split into 4 panels. Also using common typefaces like times new roman & ariel for these projects gave them an outdated look.
This is the AFTER: The Advocacy Agenda is a brochure that's mass printed every year. It needed not just an updated look, but a look that was easier for anyone to read. This is also a more simple tri-fold, not a confusing 8 column quad-fold thing like before. Design approved for print on 02/10/14.
This is the inside. The challenge was to fit all the text into 1 letter sized page to stay in budget. The type had to be crisp enough to show up in greyscale in case someone made a copy of a copy.
Campaign Logo: A graphic/logo was needed for a new campaign that the LWVO could use as a visual to help voters be more informed about judicial candidates. This basically sums up the fact that people need to know who they're voting for, & not just skip over or guess on the judicial vote. For example, if your judge is at all unfair/biased/unethical, your rights are at risk. Completed & approved on 02/07/14.
Judicial Candidate Informaiton Handout: (Back Page) The goal here was to create a simple letter sized handout interesting & straightforward enough for any voter to use as an informative tool to obtain as much information as possible about the people running for judge. Completed & apporved on 02/10/14.
(Back Page) Requiring such a massive amount of text in such a small space meant adding colors & checkmarks to help break up the text so it's easier to follow. 
Screenshot: This is where the graphic & information I designed is live on the website. 
95th Anniversary Campaign Logo: LVWO celebrates 95 years being an organization. Created in Illustrator on 02/20/14
LWVO Projects


LWVO Projects

Working for the LWVO (League of Women Voters of Ohio), all these projects are done keeping the general voter audience in mind.
