Illustration works
Keep me there
Personal illustration
This series started a few years back, shortly after I relocated to California.
I felt that it was time for me to not only drop down my luggages and embrace a new life but also leave some old habits behind. The colors I started to bring into the mix became much more vivid, saturated and rich than they were before. At first, Los Angeles wasn't really appealing to me. How could it be ? But as the months passed by, my vision of the big parking lot started to change. I found a certain peace in its geometrical lines, the littles cubes, the freaking palms and the beaten up roads. And that light, described with irony by Gordon Willis as a "big oven" or something like that. That light made me reconsider a lot of things in my work.
So what is this thing with cars ?
Well. If you take the cars away from LA you don't have much left do you ? People live for their car over here. And my focus of this particular aspect is very movie oriented. One of my favorite era being the 70's, each time I see a car that belongs to that period of time, I cannot resist the urge to use it. 
They bring colors, shapes and contrast into my compositions. They could be considered the center of focus but I like to think of them as a punctuation. 
Keep me there

Keep me there

part of a series, LA based illustrations
