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Infographics in context

Infographics in context is an investigation into data visualization and infographics. It's an attempt to answer the question: How can we make hard data interesting and intriguing for the audience and ideally easier to understand?

The project uses data about the social and political interests of the Danish people. The data derives from an opinion poll conducted by Gallup in connection to a Danish parliamentary election. List of the Danish peoples interests:

The concept for the project is inspired by Nathan Shedroffs interpretation of the DIKW hierarchy where knowledge of a subjects context is key in understanding and conveying it.

By using the context of a data set to design its diagram the designer can convey more layers of information than by presenting it in a regular diagram.

Interest no. 4 shows the Danish peoples opinion about religious symbols in public professions. A hijab, a kippah and a christian prayer chain was used to design the diagram.

Interest no. 5 shows the Danish peoples confidence that the state can handle a bacterial epidemic. Bacteria like staphylococci and E. coli was grown and used to design the diagrams.

Interest no. 6 shows if the Danish people have changed their behaviour because of gang related crimes. Barricade tape and physical behaviour was used to design the diagrams.

Infographics in context


Infographics in context

The project deals with information graphics and social related interests of the Danish people. I have used the context of specific opinion polls Read More
