Mariana Baldaia's profile

Illustrated Posters

Poster for Feiras Francas.
Poster for Incubadora de Artistas fair at Feiras Francas.
Poster for the 5th edition of the VHS#17 fanzine.
Theatrical Camp Poster

Hip-Hop Poster.
Contemporary Dance Poster 
Contemporary Dance Poster
Creative Dance Poster
How to speak in public?
Stories with movement Poster
Staging for Teachers. Poster
Kundalini of Osho Poster.
"To whom dares to be"
Contemporary dance for photographers. Poster
Movement for actors. Poster
Contemporary dance and movement for architects & designers.
Contemporary dance and movement for investigators and scientists. 
Contemporary dance and movement for cinematographers and videographers. Poster
Contemporary dance for ex-ballarinos.
Doctors & Biologists. Poster
Contemporary Dance for teachers. Poster
Tai Chi Chuan poster.
Staging Creation Lab. Poster
Illustrated Posters

Illustrated Posters

Project developed for the master in Illustration - Illustrated Theatre Posters
