I broke my brain!

Often those with mental health conditions are told to "pull themselves together" or ironically that "it is all in their head!"  People understand when you have broken your leg, it is something they can see, but mental health conditions it can be much harder, hence the title "I broke my brain!" The lack of understanding surrounding mental health means many people experience prejudice and discrimination in everyday life, often finding it harder to access services or secure employment.

The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness of mental health issues and encourage people to find out more about them. Hopefully the subtle and engaging way in which the subject is approached using the I broke my brain bird, means the book could be used as a teaching aid in schools when broaching the topic of mental wellness. The book is ongoing at the moment and is a collaboration with the service users of Mind in Chorley. Planning sessions were held with service users attending the creative writing and art groups, who have also contributed content to the book. As this was a project looking at the role of the designer and the process of collaboration, I have included my supporting essay and research paper.

The design employed the fonts and colours used by Mind in 2012, although these have now changed. For further information on this project please contact me at songforboo@hotmail.com, or if you know any good printers who could print the 120 page book please let me know.

I broke my brain!

I broke my brain!

Book and accompanying campaign materials. Final degree project.
