Halfling Heist
A tale of bar, brawls and hungry halflings!
Box Art
"This game came out of nowhere for me. I read the rules, thought it sounded interesting, and was willing to give it a try. Boy, was I happy I did!..."
Brand New Bunch of Illustrations and Layouts for the Final Game
The premise is simple: You are a starving halfling who, upon his quest for food, chances on a brawl at the local tavern, the Cockatrice Corral.  This, you realise, provides you with the perfect opportunity to pilfer all the delicious meals from the unattended tables. Although between you and a full belly, stands your fellow starving halfling mates and the dreaded Cockatrice Corral Brawl!  Will you make it out in time with the most food or will you let greed get the best of you?

Halfling Heist's original brawl recipe comes from a collaboration between Anthony Sweet of Handwritten Games for all the game design and rules and myself for the art, design and playtesting.

Originally designed for one of the game crafter's competitions, it is currently in second phase of development and polish and should be available for purchase in a near future from the gamecrafter's website!

2012/06/07 Update
Old Prototype Cards with Functional Icons
Old Prototype Card Back
Old Prototype Showing Brawl Deck and Board Layout
Board Shot with the Old Layout
Top View of the Old Board Layout
Halfling Heist

Halfling Heist

Board game design collaboration with Anthony Sweet of Handwritten Games about halflings, bars and brawls!
