Péter Bence Simon's profile

HÉT HEKTÁR (Seven Acres)

The name of this wine is Seven Acres - it refers to the size of the wine-producers infield at Balatonszőlős. That's why in the background is the hardened surface of the infields aerial view. The labels octogonal structure refers to this surface area, and the geometric work of the land-surveyers. The front label is build from seven octogon and mainly divided into black and white parts, because the wine is cuvée and made from two white wines (chardonnay and sauvignon blanc). The project is for a wine label design tender. The target of this wine is the young consumer, so the appearance of the label is a little different than the ordinary labels, at first sight the octogonal structure and the high contrast of black and white, looks modern and easily attracts younger people.

aerial view
number seven
cuvée (from two wines)
HÉT HEKTÁR (Seven Acres)

HÉT HEKTÁR (Seven Acres)

Wine label design for Figula.


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