michelle jacobs-anderson's profile

God sent me to share this with you...

Mja Photography
Following my dreams...
 To follow one's dreams, we must first choose to Live, Find Happiness and work towards our goals. My dream is to help many people and create happiness and smiles. My goal is to do many things to make that happen.
 I began by following my dream. How you ask? I chose To Live. Choosing to live means to be Happy, for you cannot truly live without happiness. To Live, truly live, one follows their desires creating happiness along the way.  I chose to Find Happiness.
By doing that, I was able to begin working towards my goals. I created many things that i knew would bring smiles to many faces and improve many lives. I envisioned scenes of smiling faces. I envisioned God giving me signs and directions along the way to my goal.
When you envision a goal, a plan for what you want in life, write it down. When you write it down, it becomes more than just a thought. You just took action towards realizing your goal!
 When you take action you are working towards your goal. You have chosen to live. You have found happiness. You followed your dreams and they are coming true one little bit at a time. When someone says live, be happy and follow your dreams. This is what they meant.
We also must believe that our purpose is to allow God to work through us. Each day looking back, as i had done this, I now see proof that God was working through me along the way. Many times I was overwhelmed  with joy and awed with the many coincidental encounters with people I met at each turn on my journey who needed my help.
 The photography collection I now have can be shared to inspire others rather than just fill my computer memory. http://MjaPhotography.webs.com. My dream of helping others to inspire them is coming true one small step at a time.
 My dream and goal of helping others with https://www.facebook.com/AutismEtc is also coming true one small step at a time.
 My book project to pull everything together is beginning to take shape, called Shine or Sink.
I chose not to sink into a world where dreams did not exist and goals never became a reality. I chose to Shine! For shining in all God's glory Is proof that He is working through me. Amen for that. Thank you for taking time to enjoy my work here. I look forward to meeting with you again in the near future.
In my travels I always prayed for a safe return home and for God to show me the way. He always seemed to like leaving signs such as this one. I began capturing them on film for proof to share with the world, that God does listen and answer us when we seek Him.
A random building in Chicago, USA. As I looked up higher than i ever imagined a building could stand tall, I snapped this shot. The reminder to Always look up came to mind...
 this is not quite how I envisioned the beautiful angels when I attempted to draw them in. They seemed much prettier and angelic in my imagination. Imagination is a wonderful thing. We can see great things if we take time to just imagine.
  Seems there are many hearts pouring down from Heaven. Perhaps to show us we are loved from above. On many occasions I will see a heart cloud in the sky. This is one I captured. 
wondered what possible quote would go with this landscape. something to do with water. something to do with Jesus. If Jesus walked on water and He wants us to walk with Him, but we begin to sink if we doubt Him even for a second...it doesn't mean we actually can walk on water - it just simply means doubting Him will cause us to sink in life. I would rather Shine and walk with Jesus. This is a very good reminder.
please donate to http://AutismEtc.webs.com. you will find items for purchase at http://mjaphotography.webs.com
if you wish to share a short note of encouragement  for my book project please send it to shineorsink@aol.com to be considered for entry in my first edition publication.
Thank you in advance for your generous support . Thank you for your smile. You made my day!
God sent me to share this with you...

God sent me to share this with you...

I asked God, How can I fulfill my purpose? How can you work through me today? I did this daily. I have dreams of someday writing a book, helping Read More
