Glitch means ‘errors’ or ‘mistakes’, which occurs on the web or in electronic devices.
However, people seemed to overlook the fact that those kinds of errors can also occur in human brain.
I wanted to visualize the errors that happen by human in daily life unintentionally. Newspapers, which we believe that is logical and subjective with no errors, can be wrong. This is because writers cannot always convey their thoughts perfectly so that the articles have errors by accident.
To express unexpected errors, I typed the articles on the newspaper with my hands crossed on the keyboard and put it above my head so that I can’t see what I’m typing.
Errors occured accidently
Original newspaper
This is how I typed the articles
Glitched Newspaper

Glitched Newspaper

Glitch means ‘errors’ or ‘mistakes’, which occurs on the web or in electronic devices. However, people seemed to overlook the fact that those kin Read More
