After i finished the co-op scene, some of my friends told to make another scene, this time with Genesis rival, Super Nintendo. I wasn't in the mood of doing so but i found myself modelling this SNES for a much bigger scene that i'm working on, so i gave in and ended up making this little scene with one of the greatest consoles of all times :)

Depois que terminei a cena co-op, alguns amigos me falaram para fazer outra, desta vez com o rival do Mega Drive, Super Nintendo. Eu não tive muito interesse na época mas acabei modelando esse SNES para um cena muito maior na qual estou trabalhando, então aproveitei e fiz essa ceninha com um dos maiores videogames de todos os tempos :)

Final Scene
Top view
Clay render
Game on


Game on

As is Co-op, Game on is a homage to the 16bit era
